Upcoming 2024 OANZ Annual General Meeting: Join Us Online!


It’s been a big year for OANZ, and the AGM provides a valuable opportunity for us to come together, discuss our achievements and future, and elect Board members. Please join us online in August.

Event Details:

  • Date: August 21 2024 (10 am till 12 pm)

  • Location: Online via Zoom

  • Zoom Registration: Join the AGM

Agenda Highlights:

- Review of the Year’s Achievements
- Financial Reporting
- Strategic Planning and Initiatives for 2024/25
- Election of Board Members

OANZ rules require a quorum to elect Board members. Your participation is vital to our organisation's continued success and growth.

Spotlight on Our Annual Impact Report

We are proud to announce the release of our Annual Impact Report, which highlights the significant progress and accomplishments of OANZ over the past year. The report provides detailed insights into our initiatives, the impact of our projects, and the positive changes we continue to foster within the organic sector, government and beyond.

Key Highlights from the Annual Impact Report:

  • Advocacy and Policy: Our role in advocating for policies and regulations that support the growth of the organic sector. In particular the work of the OANZ Technical Working Group (OTWG) on the National Organic Standard.

  • Organic Communication: Overview of our efforts to promote sustainable farming practices and reduce environmental impact through projects such as Organic Week Aotearoa and our ongoing digital media presence.

  • Research & Community Engagement: Farmer outreach and education through Our Land and Water EU Green Deal research project, roadshows, speaking engagement and media opportunities.

  • Capacity Building & Fundraising: OANZ successfully raised funds to enable a project that will develop OANZ into a sustainable self-funded organic sector body.

The AGM will feature an in-depth presentation of OANZ’s impact over the last 12 months, providing members and the general public with a comprehensive understanding of our achievements and future goals.

How to Join

To participate in the AGM, register via the link below. Mark your calendars and set a reminder so you don’t miss this important gathering.

We look forward to your participation in the AGM and your continued support in advancing the organic movement in Aotearoa.

We look forward to seeing you there. Register below:

Louise Vicente