Genetic Engineering
A genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal or other organism whose genes have been altered in a laboratory. Cisgenics and gene editing are also defined as genetic modification and are very different from traditional plant breeding. GMOs contain combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that could never occur in nature.
Organic farming is about working with nature, rather than artificially manipulating it. Therefore, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is prohibited in organic production, from paddock to plate. We are proud of this stance. We are also proud of New Zealand’s ongoing status as a GMO-free food producer. This state of affairs exists thanks to hardworking campaigners and massive public concern around these unproven technologies.
We believe that GMOs should continue to be kept out of our country’s farm fields. There have been no independent long-term studies proving the safety of GMO foods. Customers in our main markets are now actively seeking GMO-free food, putting New Zealand in a prime position as a safe food producer. In other countries, commercial GMO crops have contaminated surrounding farms through cross-pollination, putting organic farms at risk. Our island nation remains a safe haven from this problem, producing guaranteed GMO-free food.
Although GMO producers say they’re feeding the world, the numbers simply don’t stack up. New Zealand researchers have found that countries using GMOs are not experiencing higher yields than GMO-free countries. The supposed environmental benefits of planting GMOs are also imaginary. In the US, the use of herbicide-tolerant GMO seeds has led to massive increases in the use of poisonous weed sprays. That increase has in turn caused the emergence of herbicide-resistant ‘superweeds’, requiring even more toxic interventions. This is not a treadmill that our beautiful country should ever jump onto.