The Buzz, July 24 Edition

Hello, and welcome to the July edition of the Buzz, your monthly dose of news from the Organic Sector.

2023/24 has been a big year for our organic sector, marked by numerous achievements and significant progress! We have worked hard across various fronts to ensure that organics is not just part of the conversation but a key solution to many of today's pressing issues.

We are proud to announce the release of our Annual Impact Report, highlighting progress over the past year. This report provides insights into our initiatives and their positive impacts within the organic sector and beyond. We invite you to explore the report and join us at our AGM in August for more details and a celebration of these milestones.

Over the past year, we have been actively involved in shaping the regulatory framework of the National Organic Standard. Join us next week for a Lunch and Learn webinar with the MPI Organics Team to learn about the current status of the National Standard's development.

Looking ahead, the 2024/25 Organic Market Report will offer the most comprehensive analysis of New Zealand's organic market, capturing key trends and challenges. We are seeking sponsorship and funding for this project. If interested, please reach out to Tiffany.

We are excited about the future and the continued growth of our sector. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to organics.

Ngā mihi

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293