OANZ is about to embark on a long-overdue project, the 2024/25 Organic Market Report is the most comprehensive analysis of New Zealand’s organic market. This report will capture essential trends, growth, and challenges within the organic sector, providing invaluable insights for stakeholders across the industry.

We are now seeking sponsors for this pivotal project.

Why Sponsor the 2024/25 Organic Market Report?

  • Industry Leadership: Position your brand at the forefront of the organic movement in New Zealand. Be recognised as a key supporter of sustainable and organic practices.

  • Market Insights: Gain exclusive access to the latest data and trends, helping you stay ahead of the competition and make informed business decisions.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with leading players in the organic sector, including producers, retailers, policymakers, and consumers.

  • Positive Brand Association: Align your brand with values of health, sustainability, and innovation to enhance your reputation among conscious consumers.

What Your Sponsorship Supports

  • Comprehensive Research: Your contribution will fund in-depth research and data collection, ensuring the report reflects accurate and up-to-date market conditions.

  • Sector Growth: Support the continued growth and development of the organic sector in New Zealand, driving sustainable practices and environmental benefits.

  • Public Awareness: Help increase public awareness and education about the benefits and importance of organic products, fostering a healthier and more sustainable community.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer various sponsorship levels with unique benefits, including prominent brand visibility in the report, media coverage, and opportunities to participate in launch events and industry forums.

Join us in this crucial project that will promote and support the organic sector in New Zealand. Together, we can make a significant impact on the future of sustainable agriculture and healthy living.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please download the Market Report Pitch Desk and get in touch with Tiffany Tompkins today.

Louise Vicente