Organic Certification
Organic certification is a guarantee of authenticity. Consumers who choose a certified organic product can trust that from the farm through to the factory, solely organic inputs and processes have been used. Certified organic producers must keep good records of everything they do. Every organic producer is audited in person every year by an independent certifying body.
Credit: Soil and Health Association of NZ
New Zealand currently has five organic certifiers. For organic products grown and made in New Zealand, look for one of these logos as a guarantee of organic certification:
AsureQuality provides organic certification for export and for the domestic market;
BioGro provides organic certification for export and for the domestic market;
Demeter provides biodynamic certification; and
OrganicFarmNZ provides lower-cost organic certification aimed at smaller producers who sell only to the New Zealand domestic market.
Hua Parakora is the worlds first indigenous organic verification is a kaupapa Māori system for Kai Atua - Pure Foods.