OANZ December BUZZ Newsletter

Kia ora tātou from the Chair

As 2020 comes to an end, I hope you will join me in celebrating three things: our significant progress with the Organic Products Bill; this year’s success in carrying out the Council’s directive, which has allowed us to unite and strengthen our community; and the progress of the 2020/21 New Zealand Organic Sector Market Report which launches at the end of March.

All of this progress is due to your membership and guidance, for which we are truly thankful. It is your caring and generosity that keeps OANZ moving forward on behalf of the organic community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our renewing members and welcome new members to the OANZ community. 

With the holidays and summer upon us, I’d like to take a few moments to acknowledge the hard work that our community has put into growing the sector this year. 2020 has been anything but easy and I am proud to be part of a persevering group of producers, processors, domestic traders, exporters, and advocates. 

The global pandemic has taught us how to become more nimble, to pivot, and become more creative. It’s pushed us to limits we never knew were coming, and yet, here we are, still one of the fastest-growing multi-food sectors in the world. 

2021 will not be without challenges, but the lessons learned from this year will help guide us through the next. The OANZ Board has planned many exciting events, starting with the Market Report launch on 26 March in Auckland and a national sector strategy campaign that sees the Board touring the country to connect with local regions, getting to the grassroots of Aotearoa's thriving organic community.

Wishing you the very best this holiday season,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293
E: chris@oanz.org

OANZ Membership Drive

OANZ is looking for new members who want to help advocate for organics in Aotearoa and take advantage of exclusive Members-Only benefits.

Please help us by encouraging others to join OANZ.
There is a lot of good work to be done and a well-supported organisation will allow us to make it happen faster and even better.


Welcome New OANZ Members!

OANZ is delighted to announce its newest members.

Āta Regenerative                 

Organic food - So What?

Masters student, Sarah McGregor, is undertaking research on the impact of health and environmental messaging on consumer resonance within organic food advertising.

Already underway on OANZ's social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram), week one’s posts featured striking images and powerful graphics communicating the advantages of consuming organic products. While the call to action "So What?" drove viewers to read about health significance within the body copy.

The second week's focus changed to environmental impact, and week three will combine both health and environmental messaging. Stage two involves buying social media ads to provide more robust data with findings available in March 2021.

Primary Select Committee Announced

The official Parliament website has now been updated to include the new Primary Select Committee members. 

Committee Members are:

The Committee's report to the whole Parliament about its views on the Organic Products Bill is due 04 March 2021. 

OANZ looks forward to working with the new Committee as we utilise this time leading up to the report-back date.

Organic Week 2021 to be held 11 - 19 September

Organic Week will run a national campaign to showcase organics and help raise awareness for consumers, retailers, and producers alike. A national steering group has been created to ensure the success of this campaign. The group's first decision is to shift the celebratory week from May to September in order to harness the energy of spring. This also gives us longer to prepare after the disruption of 2020!

We look forward to sharing more news, and how to get involved with Organic Week, early next year.

As 2020 draws to a close so too does our research, insight and surveys for the New Zealand Organic Sector Market Report. We would like to take the opportunity to thank all who have sponsored, participated in our surveys, the insight sessions, and contributed to the growing body of knowledge.  

We are heartened by the response and willingness to share and be part of OANZ's landmark biannual report. The insights we are getting demonstrates that organic is well and truly embedded in the change we are all seeking in the world. We have growth, are resilient, and remain clearly the fastest-growing multi-food sector in the world. Our diversity, creativity, and hard work is to be celebrated — and this will be a core theme of our launch.

As we move into the summer festive season, we wish you all the very best of times in your gardens, farms, businesses, and take it you find time to enjoy family. We'll be keeping you updated through OANZ's ongoing communications, if you have any sights you believe is worth sharing please do so by emailing Brendan Hoare at bhoare@buypurenz.com.

Special Thanks to Our Current Sponsors! 

Platinum: Ceres OrganicsCountdownFonterraFoodstuffs
Gold: KPMGLewis Road Creamery
Silver: AsureQualityBioGroOrganic Winegrowers NZNZ Winegrowers
Bronze: BioDynamic Gardening and Farming AssociationChantal OrganicsCommonsense OrganicsIncaFeJersey Girl OrganicsKings Seeds, Organic Traders Association NZ, PāmuSelling SolutionsZespri
Pledges: Berrysmith FoundationOrganic Farm NZ



Olive oil company going from strength to strength. A small organic olive oil producing business on the border of Kāpiti and Horowhenua has impressed at the national awards. Waikawa Glen won reserve boutique in the New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oils Awards held in Wellington.

Patagonia-backed report says lack of ‘trusted technical assistance’ major barrier to regenerative ag. Regenerative agriculture is the new buzzword. Cargill and Walmart have even recently announced plans to try to make their operations more regenerative in the coming years.

Durham Farms: regenerative farming & delicious produce Northland's Durham Farms produce organic A2 milk, 'free to roam' eggs, organic meat, raw honey, organic greens and organic herbs - regenerating and encouraging biodiversity along the way.

Soil Fungi Act like a Support Network for Trees, Study Shows. Being highly connected to a strong social network has its benefits. Now a new University of Alberta study is showing the same goes for trees, thanks to their underground neighbours.

Why Organic Produce Is Booming Right Now [Opinion]. In 2020, that message really resonates. Amid the chaos and stress this year generated, food is a refuge. And organic food is a comfort.

Golden Bay's 'life-changing' permaculture course helping people grow into a sustainable future. Fertile grounds at Golden Bay Sustainable Living Centre provides "life-changing" course to create a better world.

Wine evolution at Boneline. Paul Goodege thinks a lot about evolution, from the change in wines and vines, to the ancient geology beneath them. Organic certification due next year.

From Hamilton to Harrods: Zealong Tea The road to Asia from New Zealand, it would seem, is through England, Germany, and France. That’s according to Zealong Tea’s CEO Gigi Crawford.

Common Ground - garden histories of Aotearoa. Matt Morris's passion for sustainability and gardening served as the catalyst for a PhD on Christchurch's extensive and proud green-fingered history.

Does Glyphosate Disturb the Human Gut Microbiome? More than half the bacteria in the human gut microbiome are sensitive to glyphosatereported scientists in the Journal of Hazardous Materials.

The Drinks Business Green Awards 2020 Shortlist. Organic Winegrowers NZ shortlisted for the Green Award's Best Organic Initiative category for its Organic Wine Week celebration. The Green Awards celebrate businesses that are going above and beyond to reduce their impact on the environment.

Organic Farming gets boost from the Greens. Senator Pauline O’Reilly said that the Irish Green Party are announcing a dramatic increase in funding for organic farmers. €5.5 million will arrive in the bank accounts of some 1,200 organic farmers this week.

The Future of Food Retail. Audre Kapacinskas, vice president at S2G Ventures, explores how the Pandemic is fundamentally reshaping food retail, how it is changing what and how we eat, and the greatest opportunities for innovation. 


Panel: Climate Change and the Soil Carbon Solution,
A Conversation with Farmers, Scientists, Brands, and Policymakers

Rodale Institute and Kiss the Ground
6 December | 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Walter Robb & S2G Ventures on The Future of Retail
How COVID-19 has shone a light on the cracks across our food system.
11 December | 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Biodynamic "Peppering" Talk & Workshop
Animal pest management with Peter Bacchus
Contact: christinemoginie@gmail.com
19 December | 28 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai

No-Till Market Garden Podcast
A nuts and bolts (and earthworms and microbes) look at how to run a productive, profitable no-till market garden for small and mid-sized farmers.