OANZ November BUZZ Newsletter

Kia ora tatou from the Chair

Since our last newsletter, New Zealanders cast their votes in the general election. The OANZ Board and our members look forward to working with the new government on the Organic Products Bill and continuing to lead the conversation around the environment and the organic industry as a whole.

The 2020 Market Report team will soon be wrapping up the research and moving into analysing the synthesis and meaning of their findings. Thank you to all of those who have participated in the surveys and 1:1 interviews. There is still time to be part of the surveys and your full participation is appreciated.

Some of you may have seen my guest editorial in the recent issue of Soil and Health's Organic NZ magazine. Thank you to the team for giving us the opportunity to share and showcase our message of organic advocacy and sector unity. 

On that note, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all our new members. And if you have renewed your OANZ membership, thank you for your continued support. Together we can continue to do great things for our organic sector.

Wishing you the very best,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293
E: chris@oanz.org

OANZ Membership Drive

OANZ Membership Drive is in full swing. We are looking for Members who want to help advocate for organics in Aotearoa. Plus, you can take advantage of the exclusive benefits that are available to our members.

Please help us by encouraging others to join OANZ.
There is a lot of good work to be done and a well-supported organisation will allow us to make it happen faster and even better.


Welcome New OANZ Members!

OANZ is delighted to announce its newest members.

  • Aotearoa Nutrients                    

  • Artemis

  • Be Nourished

  • Biochar Network NZ

  • BioGro                                      

  • Calm the Farm

  • Niue Honey Company               

  • Organic Solutions 

  • PURO

  • Soil Conditioner Products

  • Taste Nature                              

  • Washcreek

Soil and Health: Glyphosate Petition in Conjunction with Non-Toxic Neighbourhoods Aotearoa

Glyphosate-based weedkillers are used too often, and in too many places they shouldn’t be. This can make people ill and will damage our soils and precious wildlife. Worldwide, glyphosate is being phased out and New Zealand is falling behind on this. We want the government to step in.

Sign Soil and Health's petition to support this campaign.

BioGro Launches New Website and Licensee Portal Aiming To Simplify Certification Through Innovation

BioGro NZ have made vast improvements to their technological platforms throughout 2020 by launching a new public-facing website and licensee portal for BioGro Customers. The public-facing website boasts a refreshed and modern look with much easier navigation, offering everything you need to know about organics, the certification process, and how to start your organic journey.

Read the press release here

Organic Sector Market Report

One of the privileges we get undertaking research is the insights and diversity that makes the organic community the fastest growing multi-food sector in the world. The dynamism, entrepreneurial spirit and positives of being part of delivering on needs locally and internationally is very evident. We get a very clear sense that knowingly being part of the solution and not contributing or exacerbating the problems is great for the health of the planet, producers and consumers. 

Shortly we'll be wrapping up the research and moving into analysing the synthesis and meaning of our findings. We are again appreciative of our sponsors that have enabled us to date to undertake what will be a critical piece of work for Aotearoa New Zealand.

We still however have not quite reached our budget to complete our work, so we are still exploring sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Brendan Hoare on bhoare@buypurenz.com directly if you are interested and or willing to be a party to the 2020 New Zealand Organic Sector Market Report.

Special Thanks to Our Current Sponsors! 


GE-Fee NZ: Gene Editing Forum: Stacked Attack on GM Regulation. The AgScience Canterbury forum on Gene editing was held at Lincoln on 21 October under the premise that there is ‘urgent need for wide and well-informed discussion and debate about gene editing’.

New Zealand PM Ardern Urged to Apply Crisis Skills to Climate Change. Environmentalists push re-elected leader, who won praise for her handling of the pandemic, to double down on fossil fuel use and farming emissions.

Nielsen Data Shows Huge Growth in Organic Market, Even During the Pandemic. Nielsen revealed this week at the virtual Organic Trade Conference that the UK market for organic food has reached its highest growth level in more than 10 years.

Chloe Swarbrick on Farming, Bringing Urban Agriculture to Auckland Central. Green MP Chloe Swarbrick may be a self-confessed "townie through and through," but she still has empathy for New Zealand's farming community.

Sustainability and Profitability go Hand in Hand on East Coast Farm. An East Coast farm at the foot of the Kaweka Ranges is showing how environmentally sustainable farming can go hand in hand with profitability.

Countries Rush to Hoard Food as Prices Rise and Covid Worsens. Agricultural commodity buyers from Cairo to Islamabad have been on a shopping spree since the Covid-19 pandemic upended supply chains.

Pesticide Makers Say New Additive Can Combat Dicamba Drift. They want dicamba, with this new additive, to be re-permitted for use in the United States. Dicamba’s major problem is its tendency to drift onto unprotected farms and forests.

Restoring Farmland Could Drastically Slow Extinctions, Fight Climate Change. Returning strategic parts of the world’s farmlands to nature could help mitigate both climate change and biodiversity loss, a new study found.

Battle Over EU Ban on ‘Veggie Burger’ Label Reaches Key Vote. The terms “veggie burger/sausage”, “yoghurt-style” and “cheese-like” could be banned by the European parliament. 

Silent Spring Rings Louder Than Ever. Rachel Carson foresaw the devastation we now see every day. In the history of the modern environmental movement, one book stands above the rest: Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson.

NEW MOVIE ALERT! Based on events from a 1998 lawsuit, PERCY follows small-town farmer Percy Schmeiser, who challenges a major conglomerate when the company’s genetically modified (GMO) canola is discovered in the 70-year-old farmer’s crops. He speaks out against the company, representing thousands of other disenfranchised farmers.

How Can Regenerative Organic Agriculture Help Canada? Transforming our agriculture practices and food systems is one of the single strongest opportunities to improve health and equity, restore biodiverse ecosystems and create resilient communities. Instead of focusing on sustaining the current balance, it aims to regenerate and improve the soil and other aspects of the farm.

19-Year Study Shows We've Been Undervaluing How Much Compost Can Boost Carbon Capture. It's no secret that organic farmers believe in compost, but just what role compost plays in soil's ability to store carbon.


Composting for a Healthier Garden and Environment
Rick Carr, Master Composter and Farm Director of the Rodale Institute,
share tips for easy, more effective composting

Go Green Expo: Wellington
The Sustainable Lifestyle Show
7 - 8 November | TSB Arena, Wellington

Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute
4th Annual Auckland Entrepreneurship Institute
10 - 12 November | 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Organic Regenerative Webinar
Friday 13 November | 12 - 1pm 

Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution
Rodale Institute
By harnessing the power of soil, regenerative practices can
draw down carbon emissions and stabilize the climate.
Free Download

No-Till Farmer Podcast
Jeff Moyer talks about the newly release white paper
Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution