OANZ June BUZZ Newsletter

Kia ora tatou from the Chair

Welcome to the June edition of the OANZ Buzz.

It is hard to believe that New Zealand came out of lockdown a month ago. Since then the sector has charged ahead with its call for a national organic standard, working together to provide the government with submissions and further reiterations of the changes it sought during the hearing that followed. 

OANZ was privileged to be the first submission heard by the Primary Select Committee. Derek Broadmore, Scott Lawson, and I presented to the whole committee before it split into two subcommittees. I would like to thank Derek for all his work behind the scenes including writing the OANZ submission and convening the Technical Working Group. Our submission was gratefully received by the Select Committee who commented on its depth and level of professionalism being very helpful for amending the Bill.

During the month the full OANZ board attended a Zoom meeting with the renowned US-based organic farm research centre Rodale Institute. Robyn O’Brien who is part of the OANZ advisory panel arranged the introduction. The result was a fascinating round table discussion on organic regulation and some of the pitfalls and achievements that the Rodale Institute has made in US legislation. In addition, there was a healthy discussion about regenerative agriculture and how it fits in the continuum of conventional to organic production, and regenerative organic agriculture. There is much more to be discussed and another meeting has been established for next week. 

There will be much more to come. As a board, we feel that we are making significant progress for our sector. I’d like to thank everyone for their continued support.

Wishing you the very best,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293
E: chris@oanz.org


Organic Products Bill Hearing

On 11 June 2020, OANZ, kicked off the Primary Select Committee’s online Organic Products Bill hearings. Over a 20-minute discussion, OANZ Chairman Chris Morrison, OANZ Board Member Scott Lawson, and OANZ Board Advisor Derek Broadmore highlighted the sector’s almost unanimous concerns about the Bill and its desire to work closely with Government to improve its functionality. 

The hearing brought to light many positives about the Bill and the discussion was crucial to hearing opinions from across the community. With 345 submissions it is clear that the Primary Select Committee has their work cut out for them. 

To help create legislation that benefits the sector, OANZ has offered to work closely with MPI and the Primary Select Committee to ensure the Bill has everything required for success.

OANZ will continue to keep members informed on the Bill as it progresses.


OANZ Welcomes Melissa Reid and Anh Pham 

OANZ welcomes Melissa Reid as our new administrative assistant and Anh Pham in accounts. Both Melissa and Anh bring a breadth of knowledge to the team and are taking over from Karen Orr and Bobby Hall from HortNZ. 

We want to thank Karen and Bobby for their administrative and accounting assistance over the last few years. They have been a great help in keeping OANZ organized and moving forward.

We look forward to introducing Melissa and Anh to OANZ Members at our next AGM. In the meantime, you can reach them via email: Melissa Reid - melissa@oanz.org and Anh Pham - anh@oanz.org


Member Spotlight: Zespri

Zespri has launched a refreshed position for their premium organic offering as their sales season kicks off around the globe. 

The refreshed Zespri Organic brand has been designed through an extensive process, including looking at how Zespri could better connect emotionally with consumers and build a stronger, more intuitive brand identity. The launch campaign captures the strong sense of kaitiakitanga Zespri Organic growers feel as they harness the raw power of nature to produce organic kiwifruit for consumers around the world. 

Watch the story here.


Save the Date - OANZ AGM

28 AUGUST 2020

More information to follow. 



Coalition Files Lawsuit To Prevent Soil-less Agriculture From Receiving Organic Certification. The Center for Food Safety filed a lawsuit with a coalition of organic farms challenging the U.S. Dept of Agriculture's decision to allow hydroponic operations to be certified organic.

COVID-19 Will Shape Organic Industry in 2020 After Banner Year in 2019. The U.S. organic sector posted a banner year in 2019, with organic sales in the food and non-food markets totaling a record $55.1 billion, up a solid 5 per cent from the previous year.

How Will The Pandemic Change Consumer Behavior. The pandemic could enable a new generation of enlightened consumers who will spend their money on products and services that provide a return on investment.

Organic food growers see surge in demand during pandemic. While many large conventional farms had to destroy millions of pounds of crops, organic producers said customer loyalty and direct sales to retail outlets helped them thrive.

Taking NZ wine carbon neutral to lure younger buyers. Reducing emissions has become a key issue for producers and growers, with industry body NZ Winegrowers announcing its intention for the industry to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Organic dairy processors have a mission. Producers of organic dairy should highlight their products’ transparency, healthfulness and sustainability to attract today’s informed consumers.

Nominate your New Zealand food heroes. Nominations are open 19 May – 31 July for people or organisations that have supported the New Zealand food and beverage supply chain in some way during the COVID-19 response.

New Zealand: Ormond couple experiment with banana growing. An Ormond couple who have experimented with organic banana-growing with the aim of commercial production can see real potential for it in Tairawhiti.

Organic farming ‘more sustainable in environmental terms’. The advantages of organic farming are more related to maintaining biodiversity, to be favourable to the environment, and in terms of mitigating or preventing climate change.

Taiwan and Canada sign organic equivalence pact. It allows organic products certified in Taiwan or Canada to be sold as organic in either market. Canada is Taiwan’s second-largest source of imports for organic products.

Nature-based agriculture for an adequate human microbiome. What is healthy food and how can we couple food, health, and the environment more strongly to reach a more integral approach from a system perspective?

Regenerative Organics: Drawing a Line in the Soil. Use of the term “regenerative organic” reflects firm commitments from farmers that ensure they don’t use GMO seeds or synthetic pesticides, period.



Grass-fed Genetics. What makes a good grass-fed cow?
Webinar Available to View Now | PASA
Join grass-fed dairy farmer Ron Holter, as he presents on his multi-generational grazing dairy farm in Maryland, USA. He discusses his work developing grass-fed genetics for his herd and others. Ron has been grazing cows since 1995 and certified organic since 2005.

Updates of Soil Health and Water Quality Under Contrasting Farming Systems
18 June | Rodale Institute
Dr. Atanu Mukherjee will share updates on Rodale Institute’s Watershed Impact Trial and discuss preliminary results on the 6-year collaborative project.

The Truth About Holistic Health: How are certified organic brands leading the way? (UK)
25 June | Soil Association
Making eco-conscious choices in our lifestyles has now become a big part of this. Join the Beauty and Wellbeing team for an exclusive panel discussion uncovering the holistic health lifestyle, and understand how certified organic brands are really leading the way.

European Organic Congress 2020
1 - 3 July | IFOAM EU
Policy-makers and expert speakers will present the latest policy developments, provide a platform for exchange, and discuss IFOAM's vision for a post-pandemic Europe. Key topics include the EU Organic Regulation, an Organic Action Plan, the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Farm to Fork Strategy, as well as possible scenarios for a European food and farming system.

Organic Week Aotearoa 2020
Celebrations throughout New Zealand
5 - 13 September | OrganicWeek.co.nz

Organic Wine Week
Celebrating organic wine throughout New Zealand
21 - 27 September | Organic Winegrowers NZ
Look out for exciting virtual tasting opportunities and more!
