The Buzz, August 24 Edition

Hello, and welcome to the August edition of the Buzz, your monthly dose of news from the Organic Sector.

There’s been a lot happening in our Organic Sector, as usual. The Government has moved forward with their commitment to review the legislation governing genetic technologies. This remains a critical area for us, and we continue to advocate for a precautionary approach. Our efforts to secure zero tolerance in the new Organic Standards and Regulations are ongoing.

A big thank you to the OANZ Yes Organics Group and especially to Brendan Hoare for his work as our OANZ spokesperson on GE.

We urgently need your attention on FSANZ Proposal P1055, which seeks to redefine how genetically modified (GM) foods are classified. The proposal could lead to reduced transparency and potentially misleading labelling of foods produced using New Breeding Techniques (NBTs). We are calling on all members of the organic sector to join us in requesting an extension of the submission deadline and to push for an open forum where the full implications can be discussed. Your voice is crucial in protecting the integrity of our organic standards.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our AGM. This will be my final message in the Organic Buzz as Chairperson, I’m pleased to announce that Rob Simcic has stepped into the role of our new Chair. Rob brings a wealth of experience and a fresh energy to OANZ, and I, along with the rest of the Board, look forward to supporting him as we work closely with Tiffany on her exciting plans for the coming year.

We’re thrilled to have launched Workstream 1 of the MPI SFFF-funded Organic Sector Body Project. This initiative will explore industry body models, assess revenue options like levy systems, determine legal requirements, seek out collaboration opportunities, and compile insights that will guide strategic decisions for key stakeholders. The future looks bright, but we need your help to shape it. We are currently recruiting subcommittee members, with work starting in September.

It has been an absolute privilege to serve as your Chair. Organics is not just a practice but a philosophy of life, one that requires continuous learning and growth. Our world is undoubtedly better thanks to your dedication and hard work.

Thank you all for your unwavering support.

Ngā mihi

Chris Morrison – Outgoing Chair 
T: 027 548 1293