August edition of The BUZZ, Organic Aotearoa's monthly newsletter

Hello and welcome to the August edition of The BUZZ, Organic Aotearoa’s monthly dose of news from the organic sector and beyond.

Hello and welcome to the August edition of The Buzz, OANZ’s monthly dose of news from the organic sector and beyond. I hope you are all surviving the winter well. Hopefully, the sun will return shortly, and our attention will turn to spring and a bountiful summer.

We are fast approaching our AGM and Organic Action Day in Wellington on the 23rd of September. I encourage as many of you as possible to join us for a stimulating and informative day. We look forward to showcasing the work that's been happening over the last year as we work towards the goals set out in the 2022/25 Sector Strategy. I know many of you are very busy, and it is a sacrifice to drop tools and come to Wellington, but it will be worth it. As well as the Action Groups reporting on their research, we are very fortunate to have Karen Mapasua joining us. Karen is the current President of IFOAM Organics International, and she will report on what's new in organics around the world, in a post-covid world, with a focus on the potential changes to EU's GE legislation and what's happening in Pacifica. Get your tickets here, and please encourage others to join us.

It is not too late to put your name forward for the role of Board Director of OANZ. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions - email me here. 

Lastly, I would like to welcome all of the new influx of OANZ members. June Membership month caused a flurry of new sign-ups and we are so thankful to have you join the Organics Aotearoa community - Picker's Pocket, Tranz Alpine HoneyRoots, Shoots & FruitsLittle Bird OrganicsAquila Sustainable FarmingViberiVenerdiBennettoPakaraka Farm. If you have been on the fence about becoming a member, now really is the time. Find out more here.

Ngā mihi nui,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293