What Does OANZ Do?

Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ) is made up of passionate team of people committed to growing the Organic Sector. Our goal is to enable system change in food and farming to tackle health and wellbeing, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change on a national level.

To bring about this transformation, we work in the following key areas:

Credit: Hans Herzog Estate

Organic Sector Growth

Growth will come by building the Sector’s capacity and inspiring future generations of regenerative leaders and advocates. OANZ working with the Sector to develop infrastructure, including the development of an organic farmer extension programme and knowledge hub for sharing expertise and resources, organic-focused research and market insights.

Advocacy & Policy

Advocacy and policy work is helping the Organic Sector become part of the national conversation. Although organics hits the bulls eye in many of the government’s economic, environmental and social plans, organics is rarely mentioned, let alone considered part of the solution. OANZ wants to change this by working in collaboration with the NZ Government to support the development and implementation of the Organic Products Bill, standard and undertake high-level advocacy for policy change that will drive awareness of the benefits organic provides across the value chain and support a transition to climate friendly farming systems and regulations.


OANZ is helping to build the Aotearoa, New Zealand story by telling our profound and well-researched stories of how organics benefits the health of our people, planet and the economy. We are mainstreaming organics by creating tools to communicate the benefits of organics and providing opportunities for the Organic Sector to connect and share their success stories.

OANZ works on a number of issues and projects, from the Organic Products and Production Bill to GE Policy to growing the next generation of organic leaders. Find out more about each of our projects on the Our Projects page.