[WATCH NOW] Campaign Update: OANZ Submission & Our Next Steps


This week, OANZ hosted a crucial webinar breaking down our submission to the Health Select Committee on the Gene Tech Bill. If you missed it, you can watch the full recording HERE.

Public law expert Mai Chen gave a sobering outline of the current situation–this bill will likely pass! Despite widespread concerns, the government is determined to push it through. However, that does not mean we stop fighting. OANZ is working tirelessly to ensure our supplementary amendments are heard and implemented to protect the organic sector, non-GMO farmers, our food sovereignty, and consumer choice.

The Amendments We’re Fighting For

Whilst it looks like we cannot stop the Bill, we must continue to push hard to safeguard the integrity of food and farming in Aotearoa. Our oral submission and ongoing work is now focused on securing critical amendments to the Bill:

🔹 Keep GE in the lab – Preventing the uncontrolled release of GE organisms into the environment.

🔹 Protect organic and non-GE farmers – Ensuring liability measures are in place for contamination.

🔹 Maintain consumer transparency – Clear labelling requirements for any GE products entering the food system.

🔹 Uphold New Zealand’s export reputation – Safeguarding the billion-dollar organic sector and our GE-free status in key markets.

What’s Next & How You Can Help

Oral submission to the Select Committee have started, and we need to keep up the pressure. The more voices backing these amendments, the stronger our case.

👉 Watch the webinar here.
🚨 Lobby your MP today: Use our Activation toolkit and letter templates here.
💚 Donate Now to fund the fight: Ceres Organics has pledged $25,000 in matched funding. Every dollar you donate will be doubled—up to $25K!

Important Documents

For those who want to dive deeper into the details, we’ve made our submissions available:

🔹 OANZ Submission to the Health Select Committee
🔹 Supplementary Submission with Requested Amendments to the Bill

Time is running out, but we are not backing down. With your support, we can ensure the strongest possible protections for organics, our farmers, and future generations.

Louise Vicente