OANZ April BUZZ Newsletter

Kia ora tātou from the Chair

Thank you to everyone who participated in the OANZ Organic Market Report Launch and the Sector Strategy Workshop on April 14th. This was a culmination of a year’s work behind the scenes — I would like to thank our sponsors, contractors and the OANZ executive team in achieving a wonderful result. 

OANZ held a Council meeting on Friday 9th April and as always it was good to catch up with our members and discuss the issues our sector is facing. The Organics Product Bill and associated Regulations and Standards remains a high priority. Derek Broadmore, Chair of our Technical Committee, brought us up to date. As most of you will be aware there has been a high level of engagement in this process and although there has been progress, we feel there is still a disconnect between MPI and the Organic Sector regarding the bill's structure and the costs associated with this structure. We will continue to work on achieving the best possible result.

On the 5th and 6th of April, MPI held a Hui to discuss Regenerative Agriculture in Wellington. The Organic Sector was well represented with Marion Woods and Pete Huggins from Soil and Health, Donald Nordeng from BioGro, Jessica Hutchings from Te Waka Kia Ora, Bart Arnst from Organic Winegrowers, and Viv Williams, Tiffany Tompkins and Susan Miller-Thevenard from OANZ executive team, plus others. The feedback was that organics was warmly included in the discussions and hopefully in future will be seen as an integral part of the solution. We need to continue to be at the table for future discussions.

As always, thank you for your support and interest in the work of OANZ. Please feel free to reach out to us if there are issues you would like to discuss.

Warm regards,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293
E: chris@oanz.org


Thank you to everyone who joined OANZ online for the 2020/21 Market Report launch. For those that missed it, never fear, the entire event has been added to OANZ website for your viewing pleasure. 



Following the 2020/21 NZ Organic Market Report Launch event, OANZ was joined by members of the organic community for the first Sector Strategy Workshop.

Working with the sector, OANZ is developing a three-year pan-sector strategy and associated work plan that is based on new sector and consumer insights, opportunities and challenges. The shared goal is to identify opportunities and challenges within and around the organic sector and begin the work of establishing a clear pathway to ensure its continued growth.

Three respected speakers from both the international and local organic industry — Dr Vandana Shiva, Pavan Sukhdev and Ian Proudfoot — delivered thoughtful speeches during the facilitated strategy workshop.



The Market Report is available now on the OANZ website and we encoyrage everyone to download the Report, share it, and add it to your own website. The more people we can get to see our success stories the better.

This is YOUR report! The Market Report is one of the best ways for our sector to communicate about the growth and opportunities that our sector can provide the country.

A special thank you to the Ministry for Primary Industries for help with both research and funding for this project. Funding for significant sections of the Report was made possible through MPI’s Sustainable Food and Fibre Fund.



The Market Report is live and it's time to make some noise! The OANZ communications team has created social media posts for all Members to use to help spread the word about Aotearoa's latest organic sectors figures. 

Members can access the social media posts in the Member's portal on the OANZ website here. The portal is in the footer of the OANZ website and you will need your password to log in.

When you so share posts, please remember to tag us @organicsaotearoa and include the following hashtags: #organicsaotearoanewzealand #oanz #organicproducts #oanzmarketreport #organicfoodfacts #organicresearch 

Need help logging in? Email Melissa@oanz.org


Organic NZ is an official partner of the Summit and would like to extend fellow OANZ members a discounted ticket price by using the promotional code ORGANIC when buying tickets online.

This discount saves you $100 on ticket price entry for the whole conference.

We’re looking forward to hearing a great range of speakers on innovation in food production such as New Zealand’s own Melissa Clark-Reynolds and Jono Frew, plus international guests like Steve Meller from CH4Global who will be talking about the use of seaweeds to dampen climate emissions from ruminant livestock as a stop-gap measure.

Simply enter the promo code ORGANIC at the top of the tickets page to receive your $100 discount.


Join OANZ and help shape the future of Aotearoa's organic sector!

With so many exciting things happening right now across our sector,a well-supported organisation will allow us to make it happen faster and even better.

OANZ is looking for new members who want to help advocate for organics in Aotearoa, from promoting the Market Report to our Sector Strategy Workshops, the Organic Products Bill and regulations, and Climate Change submission.

Please help us by encouraging others to join OANZ.



OANZ is delighted to announce its newest members.

Wakatū Incorporation

Wakatū Incorporation works to preserve and enhance our taonga for the benefit of current and future generations. Based in Whakatū (Nelson), Aotearoa/New Zealand, Wakatū has approximately 4,000 owners, who descend from the customary Māori landowners, the whānau and hapū of the Whakatū, Motueka and Mōhua rohe.


GoodFor's mission is to create beautiful shopping experiences that empower, inspire and educate communities to make the best choices for their own health and that of the natural environment. GoodFor stores, customers fill and refill the pantry and household goods without wasteful and unnecessary packaging.


New Zealand's Largest Medicinal Cannabis Farm Begins Harvest. More than 40 workers are expected to be on site during the peak of Puro’s Kēkerengū harvest, which is being carried out completely by hand.

Govt Requested to Rethink Position on Glyphosate Use After Honey Rejection. Apiculture NZ has asked the Agriculture Minister to support a national discussion on Glyphosate use.

Here’s One Way We Can Get People to Choose More Climate-friendly Foods. Even some people who didn’t want to know the environmental impact of their food were convinced to make a more sustainable swap.

CRISPR Tomato, Popcorn and a Spinach Leaf. In which I share interesting news, and (hopefully) explain why you should care. Whether from the farmer’s market or Whole Foods, the tomatoes I buy today seem to be from an entirely different plant.

US Federal Court Rules that Hydroponic Produce can be Certified Organic. The US District Court for Northern California has ruled that the USDA can continue to certify hydroponic farming operations as eligible for the National Organic Program.

A Type Of ‘Biodegradable’ Plastic Will Soon Be Phased Out In Australia, And That’s A Big Win For The Environment. To start dealing with Australia’s mounting plastic crisis, the government launched its first National Plastics Plan.

Hollywood Director James Cameron's Enviro-farm Turns to Dairy Cow Grazing. Cameron's plans to convert his Wairarapa properties into organic veggie farms have fallen short - with hundreds of cows now in his paddocks.

Can California’s Organic Vegetable Farmers Unlock the Secrets of No-Till Farming? A group of veteran growers are undertaking a soil health experiment with implications for California and beyond.

Episode 39: Why We Need A Public Food Sector. In the wake of Covid-19, retail and wholesale food supply chains were continuously strained. Why are we still dependent on the private sector for our food supply?

NZ Industry Calls for RSE Workers. Stakeholders plead with government for seasonal labour relief. NZ growers, exporters and peak bodies have made a passionate plea for the return of Pacific Island seasonal workers later this year.

Organic Food ‘Healthier’ says Agri Commissioner as EU Launches New Organic Plan. Though all food on the EU market is safe and subject to “strict control of the highest safety standards,” organic production is the healthier option.

Concerns for Domestic Organic Industry, as MPI Accused of 'Not Listening’. The domestic organic industry may face greater costs and higher barriers to entry under the Organic Products Bill, should it pass in its current form, critics say. 

New Study Shows the Growing Risks of Pesticide Poisonings. Anna Lappé talks to the researchers who have put hard numbers to unintentional pesticide poisonings and fatalities globally.

Opinion: Regulation for the Organic Industry is Great - But We Need to Get it Right. Derek Broadmore of Organics Aotearoa New Zealand says proposed new rules for the sector could lead to more bureaucracy and costs.

Japan Rejects NZ Honey with Traces of Weedkiller Glyphosate. Japanese authorities have rejected four shipments of New Zealand honey since more stringent testing was introduced for the weed killer glyphosate in January.


Regenerative Design Lab
28 April - 21 May | Online
Āta Regenerative is offering a 4-week crash-course in regenerative
organisational design and management
Register Here

Whangarei Steiner School Fundraiser
Biodynamic Workshops

8 May, 12 June, 10 July, 14 August, 18 Sept
1:00 - 4:30 pm | Raymond Lawton Farm
Email info@whangareisteiner.co.nz

E Tipu Agri Summit 
11 - 12 May
Christchurch Town Hall | Otautahi Christchurch 
Register Here