OANZ July BUZZ Newsletter

Kia ora tatou from the Chair

July has been another busy month for the OANZ Board. 

Firstly, the Organic Products Bill. Ongoing meetings with MPI have allowed us to engage with the Government in an open and transparent manner for which we are all grateful. The meetings have been very positive and have demonstrated how engaged and unified the organic sector is in New Zealand. We look forward to continuing progress and creating a Bill that protects and reinforces our sector.

OANZ has been creating dialogue around the regenerative organic agriculture movement. We have been strengthening our relationship with the Rodale Institute, who have kindly offered us their support and advice. Additionally, Pure Advantage extended their recent webinar series to include an episode around the topic that included Jeff Tkach, Chief Impact Officer at Rodale, OANZ Board member Scott Lawson, and OANZ advisor Robyn O’Brien. It was a great opportunity for OANZ to lead the discussion around this important topic. 

We launched the new and improved website that will allow us to highlight the good work our members are doing, as well as offering advice, knowledge, and support for those looking to move into the sector. To support the website, we have launched two new social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, and I encourage you to follow them and help us engage with the community.

We are currently preparing for the 2020 OANZ Annual General Meeting which will take place on 28 August 2020 in Wellington. The Board and I are looking forward to reporting on our work including an update on the Organic Products Bill and the Market Report, our policy on regenerative agriculture, changes to membership rates and procedures, and several other items.


The AGM will take place over an hour after which the entire organic community will be open to join the guest speaker programme and the 2020 Market Report workshop.

  • Date: 28 August 2020

  • Venue: Wellington (venue details coming soon)

  • Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am, followed by a light lunch.

  • Speaker Programme: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. We invite everyone in the organic community to join us online via Zoom. (details coming soon)

  • Market Report Workshop: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

  • Afternoon Tea: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Whether you intend to join us in Wellington or on Zoom, please RSVP to Melissa Reid - melissa@oanz.org

I look forward to seeing you next month.

Wishing you the very best,

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293
E: chris@oanz.org


Celebrating Organic Week Aotearoa, 5 - 13 September 2020 

Join 100+ organic businesses, farmers, retailers, educators, and restaurants for New Zealand's largest annual celebration of all things organic.

To help you get involved, the OWA team has put together a digital toolkit that includes:

  • Event ideas

  • Key messaging

  • Poster templates

  • Social media imagery

No matter how big or small your contribution is to this celebration, it all makes a significant difference. The toolkit is available to download on the Organic Week Website.


Organic Winegrowers NZ is Hiring!

Organic Winegrowers NZ is hiring a part-time administrative assistant. The assistant will have the opportunity to work with organic grape growers, wineries, and others to support the organic wine industry. The assistant will coordinate events, liaise with members, and manage memberships and finances. The role will average around 20 hours per month but requires some flexibility as hours will vary week to week and month to month, depending on the organisation’s annual calendar. Ability to work independently and as part of a national team are essential; familiarity with organics and/or the wine industry are helpful.

For more information please contact OWNZ Coordinator Rebecca Reider - rebecca@organicwinenz.com


Member Spotlight: Zest Biotech

Since 1972, Zest Biotech has been developing innovative products to produce healthier and more productive crops. Usha Amaranathan, COO and daughter of founder Nathan Balasingham, talked to us about her father’s journey to organic and her vision of New Zealand’s organic future. 

Read the interview here.



TV1 News: 'It’s causing massive problems' - Beekeeper says nothing can be done to stop NZ bees picking up traces of weed-killer glyphosate.

GE-Free New Zealand Calls for Politicians to Keep Regulation on Gene Editing. Politicians from all parties are being asked to ensure there are strict regulations on Genetically Engineered Organisms (GE/GMO), including Gene Editing.

RoundUp: the landmark case and what it means for our economy and our health. It’s one of the most commonly used weedkillers in the world, but pressure to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate could force us to come up with alternatives quickly.

NFF backs Australian organic industry. The recently released Get Australian Growing strategy document outlines 11 priorities for agricultural reform aimed at boosting the economy.

Your View by Rodale Institute CEO: Organic foods can help prevent lifestyle diseases. The world is slowly reopening — but the COVID-19 crisis isn’t over, and everyone still has concerns.

Food Companies Step Up Funding for Organic Farming Research. Clif Bar, King Arthur Flour, Organic Valley, and others are providing university endowments to counter a system stacked in favor of conventional agriculture.

How PGS Changed the Law on Organic Agriculture in the Philippines. The Senate in the Philippines has approved a bill recognising Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS), amending the current legal framework for organic agriculture in the country.

'We've got to move': Lack of regulation on organic farming holding back export potential. A single standard of certification is planned for organic products and while most agree it is necessary there is no consensus yet.

Organic dairy farmers urge USDA to finalize 'origin of livestock' rule. Organic dairy farmers are once again urging the USDA to clarify its rule for transitioning livestock under the NOP, eliminating a loophole they say puts smaller producers at severe economic disadvantage.

Cotton waste composter uses earthworms to turn waste into high-grade fertiliser. From afar, the Worm Tech composting facility in southern New South Wales resembles a run-of-the-mill domestic rubbish tip.

Farmers And Growers Are Missing Out On Newer And Greener Technology. The Government launched a bold plan to boost primary sector export earnings by $44 billion over the next decade.

Organic Farms Adapting for Covid-19: Flexibility, Diversity & Direct-to-Consumer Sales Winning Strategies. Nearly every organic category has seen year-over-year sales gains since March, and, with the pandemic radically reshaping consumer behavior, that growth could continue.


Climate Change: From Learning to Action
The course helps you understand what climate change is, how it affects 
you and others, and what can be done to address it.
Online Course | United Nations

Go Green Expo: Christchurch
The Sustainable Lifestyle Show
8 - 9 August | Horncastle Arena, Christchurch

Organic Regenerative Agriculture: Discussing Climate Change
BioGro presents a one day conference with an aim to share knowledge, information, experiences, and skills amongst all stakeholders in the sector.
4 September 2020 | City Gallery Wellington

Organic Week Aotearoa 2020
Celebrations throughout New Zealand
5 - 13 September | OrganicWeek.co.nz

Organic Wine Week
Celebrating organic wine throughout New Zealand
21 - 27 September | Organic Winegrowers NZ

Go Green Expo: Auckland
The Sustainable Lifestyle Show
31 October & 1 November | ASB Showgrounds, Auckland