Since launching our campaign for a GE-Free future in September 2024, OANZ has been driving impactful advocacy and action. With widespread support, we have raised over $50,000 to fuel our efforts, enabling us to lead two delegations to Wellington to meet with ministers and highlight the critical importance of safeguarding New Zealand's GE-free status. We commissioned an economic report from NZIER, offering robust evidence against the liberalisation of GE rules, and our social media messaging has reached over 70,000 people, inspiring a growing movement of individuals and organisations united in protecting New Zealand’s GE-Free future.
Timeline of key events and OANZ actions:
13 August 2024 - Government announcement to end gene tech ban.
Judith Collins announces that the Government is ending a nearly 30-year ban on gene tech outside of the lab.18 August 2024 - OANZ Media Statement: New Gene Technology Rules Discussion Welcomed.
OANZ expects close engagement with the Government as it works through the GE policy review and proposes new regulations29 August 2024 - OANZ Demands Full Traceability and Labelling of all GMO food products.
FSANZ seeks feedback on Propopal P1055, which aims to redefine how GM foods are classified.2 October 2024 - OANZ launches Farmers for a GE-free fundraiser, education and advocacy campaign.
In response to the Government’s proposed deregulation, OANZ launches a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks posed by GE reforms.22-24 October 2024 - OANZ leads a delegation to Wellington on a fact-finding mission to meet with key decision-makers, MPs and stakeholders.
Review key findings and watch our presentation to the Primary Production Select Committee.3 November 2024 - OANZ Media Statement: Genetic Engineering Reforms Risk Making NZ an Outlier.
Proposed reforms suggest the country could be heading into risky, uncharted territory in terms of the release of GMOs into the environment.7 November 2024 - OANZ Webinar Briefing: What’s at Stake: Implications of Radical Gene Tech Reforms.
Join us for an essential discussion on the government’s plans regarding GE deregulation. Learn about key findings from the Wellington delegation, understand the risks and discuss next steps.26 November 2024 - OANZ commissions NZIER economic study ‘‘Potential costs of regulatory changes for gene technology’’.
Research enabled by our generous donors shows that New Zealand’s primary exports could reduce by $10billion to $20billion annually were genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to be released into the environment. The report generated lots of media, both positive and negative.10-11 December - OANZ leads a second delegation to Wellington to introduce new economic report.
We met with Ministers from the Green Party, Labour, National and NZ First, plus HortNZ and Beef & Lamb to present new information from the economic report.17 December - Gene Technology Bill - First Reading - Watch Here. It makes us very proud to see how much of our work (funded by our donors) has been absorbed by the opposition. We are now seeking a legal review and advice on the bill to ensure the best protection of the organic sector.