Announcing 2020/21 Market Report

Organic sector Market Report 2020/21 shows continued growth with opportunity for more

The production of organic products for export and for sale within New Zealand continues to grow steadily, although an opportunity exists for faster growth to gain greater value for the New Zealand economy, says chief executive of Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ) Viv Williams.

Ms Williams said the sector had recently completed its two-yearly Organic Sector Market Report 2020/21, reporting on the status of the sector. The report, ‘Time for Action, 2020/21 New Zealand Organic Market Report’ will be published on April 14, 2021. The report’s release coincides with an online seminar for the sector to communicate the findings of the research.

“While we continue to see steady growth and added value – with particularly bright spots in organic dairy and wine which are growing rapidly – the enormous consumer demand domestically and in our export markets means there’s an opportunity to support faster and broader growth to make an even more significant contribution to the New Zealand economy,” said Ms Williams.

“The higher returns being achieved in parts of the organic sector like dairy mean there’s a significant upside opportunity in terms of our export earning capability – especially as the market demand for organic is ever stronger.”

This is the sixth OANZ organic sector Market Report (since 2008) and it confirms a steady and sustained upward trend for organic products, both in terms of value to the economy – now worth almost three quarters of a billion dollars annually – and in terms of demand from consumers.

“The consumer demand trend line is clear,” says Ms Williams. “New Zealand consumers are no different to consumers around the world who are increasingly seeking out organic products.”

“As well as certified organic now assuring a promise of delicious, healthy, natural products, we are seeing consumers increasingly motivated by the fact that organic also means products that have been produced in a way that respects and nurtures the environment, and reduces carbon footprint,” she said.

A feature of this year’s report is a deeper dive into NZ’s export markets for organic products. This shows rapid growth in exports to the US, our largest market for organics, followed by China, also a rapidly growing market now our second-largest export market for organics. 

Ms Williams said the report’s extensive research would assist those in the sector, as well as the wider primary sector, refine their strategic planning for the years ahead.

For further information, or to schedule an interview about the report with Ms Williams or a sector-specific expert from OANZ, please contact:

Tiffany Tompkins, OANZ | Tel: 021 990 288 | Email: